Part 2. Traditional NLP
NLP Tutorial
Part 2: Traditional NLP
Corpora, Tokens, and Types
Corpus: text dataset with metadata
Tokens: grouped contiguous units of characters
Instance: some text along with the corresponding metadata
Tokenization: process of fractionalizing corpus into instances
In the above tweet, during the tokenization process the @’s and #’s should remain in place as well as any emojis should be preserved. Many packages tokenize text for us be but we will specifically be using NLTK and spaCy.
Must install spaCy packages seperately. Install with these commands:
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip install -U spacy
python -m spacy download en_core_web_trf
or if you use conda:
conda install -c conda-forge spacy
python -m spacy download en_core_web_trf
Install NLTK with pip:
pip install --user -U nltk
or with conda:
conda install -c anaconda nltk
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_trf')
tweet = "Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart."
cleanedTweet = [str(token) for token in nlp(tweet.lower())]
['find', 'out', 'the', 'reason', 'that', 'commands', 'you', 'to', 'write', ';', 'see', 'whether', 'it', 'has', 'spread', 'its', 'roots', 'into', 'the', 'very', 'depths', 'of', 'your', 'heart', '.']
from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer
fullTweet = "'Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart.' Rainer Maria Rilke, born #onthisday in 1875. #WednesdayWisdom"
tokenizer = TweetTokenizer()
["'", 'find', 'out', 'the', 'reason', 'that', 'commands', 'you', 'to', 'write', ';', 'see', 'whether', 'it', 'has', 'spread', 'its', 'roots', 'into', 'the', 'very', 'depths', 'of', 'your', 'heart', '.', "'", 'rainer', 'maria', 'rilke', ',', 'born', '#onthisday', 'in', '1875', '.', '#wednesdaywisdom']
Types: Unique tokens in a corpus Vocabulary: Set of all types in a corpus Stopwords: Articles and prepositions which serve a grammatical purpose
Unigrams, Bigrams, Trigrams, …, N-Grams
N-Grams: fixed-length consecutive token sequences that occur in the text
def n_grams(text, n):
takes tokens or text, returns a list of ngrams
return [text[i:i+n] for i in range(len(text)-n+1)]
print("Bigram:\n",n_grams(cleanedTweet, 2)) # bigram
print("\nTrigram:\n",n_grams(cleanedTweet, 3)) # trigram
[['find', 'out'], ['out', 'the'], ['the', 'reason'], ['reason', 'that'], ['that', 'commands'], ['commands', 'you'], ['you', 'to'], ['to', 'write'], ['write', ';'], [';', 'see'], ['see', 'whether'], ['whether', 'it'], ['it', 'has'], ['has', 'spread'], ['spread', 'its'], ['its', 'roots'], ['roots', 'into'], ['into', 'the'], ['the', 'very'], ['very', 'depths'], ['depths', 'of'], ['of', 'your'], ['your', 'heart'], ['heart', '.']]
[['find', 'out', 'the'], ['out', 'the', 'reason'], ['the', 'reason', 'that'], ['reason', 'that', 'commands'], ['that', 'commands', 'you'], ['commands', 'you', 'to'], ['you', 'to', 'write'], ['to', 'write', ';'], ['write', ';', 'see'], [';', 'see', 'whether'], ['see', 'whether', 'it'], ['whether', 'it', 'has'], ['it', 'has', 'spread'], ['has', 'spread', 'its'], ['spread', 'its', 'roots'], ['its', 'roots', 'into'], ['roots', 'into', 'the'], ['into', 'the', 'very'], ['the', 'very', 'depths'], ['very', 'depths', 'of'], ['depths', 'of', 'your'], ['of', 'your', 'heart'], ['your', 'heart', '.']]
Sometimes character n-grams can be useful as well as they can help find patterns in suffixes and prefixes.
Lemmas and Stems
Lemmas: root form of a word Lemmatization: reduction of tokens to their lemma
doc = nlp(u"Adam was seen bravely running to the scene")
for token in doc:
print('{} --> {}'.format(token, token.lemma_))
Adam was seen bravely running to the scene
Adam --> Adam
was --> be
seen --> see
bravely --> bravely
running --> run
to --> to
the --> the
scene --> scene
spaCy uses a predefined dictionary (WordNet) for lemmatization.
Stemming: Use of defined rules to strip endings from words to create stems
Categorizing Sentences and Documents
Commonly done in the cases of sentiment analysis for reviews, spam filtering, language identification, topic assignment, and email triaging.
Categorizing Words: POS Tagging
Labeling each word and symbol as what their part-of-speech (POS) is.
for token in doc:
print('{} - {}'.format(token, token.pos_))
Adam was seen bravely running to the scene
Adam - PROPN
was - AUX
seen - VERB
bravely - ADV
running - VERB
to - ADP
the - DET
scene - NOUN
Categorizing Spans: Chunking and named Entity Recognition
Using our example sentence “Adam was seen bravely running into the scene” we can label spans of text.
[NP Adam] [VP was seen] [VP bravely running] to [NP the scene]
for chunk in doc.noun_chunks:
print ('{} - {}'.format(chunk, chunk.label_))
Adam was seen bravely running to the scene
Adam - NP
the scene - NP
Structure of Sentence
Shallow Parsing: indentifies phrasal units Parsing: Identifies relationships within phrasal units
Parse trees show the heirarchy of grammatical units within a sentence. Below is a Constituent Parse:
In identifying relationships, dependency parsing is also very useful and clear.
Graphs made using
Word Senses and Semantics
Senses: Different meanings of a word
WordNet, which is used by spaCy, attempts to catalog every sense of every word in the English dictionary. For example, even a simple word like ‘zero’ produces a multitude of results: